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SPTP SIG: Neurodiversity Affirming Practice and Resources

  • 22 Jan 2024
  • 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom


Date & Time: January 22, 2024, 7:30PM-8:30PM

Location: Zoom - Link will be sent out by email the day of the event

SIG Chairpersons: Dr. Susan Krikorian, OT, OTD, OTR

                              Dr. Tee Stock, OT, OTD, MSOT, MBA, OTR

Topic:  Neurodiversity Affirming Practice and Resources 

Focus: Participants will learn about Neurodiversity Affirming Practice and Resources 

Presented by: Bryden Carlson-Giving, OTD, OTR/L


1.   Participants will identify the health and well-being priorities as identified by the Autistic community, and aspects of the ICF-CY and OTPF-4 that support the identified priorities.

2.   Participants will apply neurodiversity-affirming principles throughout the entire OT process, including assessment, intervention, neurodivergent outcomes, and advocacy to maximize neurodivergent occupational performance and well-being.

3.   Participants will reflect on current practices and modify approaches to ensure they align with best practices as identified by neurodivergent individuals.

Presenter Bio:

Bryden Carlson-Giving is a neurodivergent and disabled occupational therapy practitioner with experience in pediatric outpatient, inpatient, and school-based settings. He is also a recent post-professional doctoral graduate whose research focused on creating a toolkit to support OTPs and their ability to challenge ableism within pediatrics, leading to the first neurodiversity-affirming occupational therapy model (EMPOWER). He is passionate about community-defined evidence practice, mental health promotion, trauma-informed care, and incorporating strengths-based approaches to promote a positive self-identity for his students. Bryden’s work includes encouraging a shift from an impairment-based perspective and returning to strengths-based, occupation-centered practices. He seeks to promote neurodiversity-affirming practices, amplify the voices of the Disability community, and challenge ableism within healthcare and research. Bryden is the creator of Neurodivergent Nexus, an online resource hub supporting practitioners in challenging ableism throughout the OT process. From helping individuals discover and embrace their sensory processing differences to collaborating with their family and education team to improve their ability to be neurodiversity-affirming, Bryden aims to maximize his client's quality of life and well-being to support authentic, neurodivergent development.


1.   Holler, R., Chemla, I., & Maeir, A. (2021). Disability orientation of occupational therapy practitioners in physical rehabilitation settings: Tension between medical and social models in theory and practice. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(4), 7504180010p1–p7504180010p8.

2.   Sterman, J., Gustafson, E., Eisenmenger, L., Hamm, L., & Edwards, J. (2022). Autistic adult perspectives on occupational therapy for autistic children and youth. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 43(2), 237-244.

3.   Taylor, E. (2022). Beyond “bad” behaviors: A call for occupational scientists to rethink autism. Journal of Occupational Science, 1–16.

This event will be closed the day before the event. 

Please register by January 21st

Please keep this copy for your own records and keep with your certificate. MAOT is not responsible for maintaining records for contact hours. 

Massachusetts Association for Occupational Therapy, Inc. (MAOT)
P.O. Box 850543 Braintree, MA 02185   Email:

*MAOT no longer has a phone number - please email us at the address above*

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